

BlogHow to Stay Healthy and Happy in Spring with Ayurveda

How to Stay Healthy and Happy in Spring with Ayurveda

Spring is here!

The season of new vitality, flowers, and warmth.

But did you know that spring can also bring some health challenges?

According to Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, spring is the time when the phlegm in our body melts and causes various disorders, such as asthma, indigestion, allergies, and more.

How can we prevent these problems and enjoy the beauty of spring?

In this blog post, we will share with you how to stay healthy with the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring, which is designed to balance the phlegm disorder in this season and keep you healthy and happy.

We will also answer some common questions that people have about spring and Ayurveda, such as:

1.  What are the characteristics of spring according to Ayurveda?

2.  What are the benefits of following the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring?

3.  What are the best foods, drinks, and herbs for spring?

4.  What are the best exercises and therapies for spring?

5.  How can Ayurveda help you with your spring allergies, asthma, and other issues?

If you are interested in learning more about how-to live-in harmony with nature and yourself, then read on and discover the secrets of Ayurveda for spring.

What are the characteristics of spring according to Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is based on the concept of three doshas, or biological energies, that govern our physical, mental, and emotional health. These doshas are vata (air and space), pitta (fire and water), and kapha (water and earth).

Each dosha has its own qualities, functions, and seasons. Spring is the season of kapha, which is responsible for stability, lubrication, and nourishment in our body.

Kapha has the qualities of cold, moist, heavy, slow, and sticky. In spring, these qualities are increased in the environment and in our body, due to the melting of snow and ice, the growth of plants and flowers, and the accumulation of phlegm and mucus.

As a result, we may experience some symptoms of kapha imbalance, such as:

  • Feeling sluggish, dull, or lazy
  • Low appetite, digestion, or metabolism
  • Congestion, cough, or cold
  • Excess weight, fluid retention, or swelling
  • Having allergies, asthma, or sinusitis
  • Having depression, attachment, or lethargy

These symptoms can affect our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and prevent us from enjoying the spring season fully.

That is why Ayurveda recommends following a seasonal regimen for spring, which is aimed at reducing the excess kapha and restoring the balance of the doshas in our body.

What are the benefits of following the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring?

The Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring is a set of guidelines that help us to adapt to the changing environment and maintain our health and happiness.

By following the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring, we can:

  • Boost our immunity and prevent diseases
  • Improve our digestion and metabolism
  • Clear our respiratory system and breathe better
  • Lose excess weight and toxins
  • Enhance our energy and vitality
  • Brighten our mood and outlook
  • Enjoy the spring season and its beauty

The Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring consists of five steps, which are:

  • Exercise and massage
  • Eat light and digestible food
  • Drink warm water
  • Avoid daytime sleep
  • Consult an Ayurvedic doctor and undergo some cleansing therapies

Let us look at each step-in detail and see how we can implement them in our daily life.

What are the best exercises and massages for spring?

Exercise and massage are the first and most important steps of the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring.

It helps us to reduce the excess kapha and fat in our body and improve our blood circulation and metabolism.

It also helps us to stimulate our appetite and digestion and clear the phlegm and mucus from our body.

Also, they help us to enhance our mood and energy and wake up our senses.

The best exercises for spring are those that are moderate, dynamic, and aerobic, such as:

  • Walking, jogging, or cycling
  • Swimming, dancing, or skipping
  • Yoga, tai chi, or qigong
  • Martial arts, boxing, or kickboxing
  • Aerobics, Zumba, or Pilates

The best time to exercise is in the morning, when the kapha is most active and needs to be balanced and the best duration to exercise is for 30 to 45 minutes, or until you break a sweat.

Furthermore, the best way to exercise is to do it with enthusiasm, joy, and awareness, and not to overdo it or strain yourself.

Best massage for spring is the one that is dry, warm, and stimulating, such as:

  • Rubbing your body with a dry towel, brush, or glove
  • Applying warm sesame oil or mustard oil to your body and massaging it gently
  • Using herbal powders or scrubs to exfoliate your skin and remove dead cells
  • Using essential oils or aromatherapy to invigorate your senses and relax your mind

The prime time to massage is before or after your exercise, or before your shower or bath.

The best duration to massage is for 10 to 15 minutes, or until you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Lastly, the best way to massage is to do it with love, care, and gratitude, and not to hurt or irritate your skin.

What are the best foods, drinks and herbs for spring?

Food, drink, and herbs are the second and most essential steps of the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring.

They help us to nourish our body and mind and provide us with the nutrients and energy we need.

They also help us to balance our appetite, digestion and prevent bloating, gas, or acidity.

Moreover, they help us to cleanse our body and mind, remove the toxins and impurities that accumulate in our system and  they also help us to enhance our immunity and prevent allergies, asthma, and other issues.

The best foods for spring are those that are light, dry, and warm, such as:

  • Grains, such as barley, millet, quinoa, or oats
  • Legumes, such as lentils, beans, peas, or chickpeas
  • Vegetables, such as leafy greens, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, or radish
  • Fruits, such as apples, pears, berries, or grapes
  • Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds

The best drinks for spring are those that are hot, clear and refreshing, such as:

  • Water, boiled and cooled or infused with herbs and spices
  • Herbal teas, such as ginger, mint, lemon or tulsi
  • Fruit juices, such as apple, grape or cranberry
  • Vegetable soups, such as carrot, tomato or spinach

Moreover, the best herbs for spring are those that are bitter, pungent, and sour such as:

  •  Ginger, garlic, onion, or turmeric
  • Honey, lemon, vinegar, or amla
  • Fenugreek, mustard, black pepper, or cumin
  • Basil, mint, rosemary, or thyme

Best time to eat and drink is when you are hungry and thirsty, and not out of habit or boredom.

The best quantity to eat and drink is as much as you need, and not more or less than that.

And lastly, the best way to eat and drink is to do it with awareness, moderation, enjoyment, and not to rush or overindulge.

What are the best ways to avoid daytime sleep and protect yourself from the sun?

Daytime sleep and sun exposure are the third and most challenging steps of the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring.

It helps us to avoid the increase of kapha and the damage of the sun in our body and mind.

It also helps us to maintain our circadian rhythm and our natural balance of day and night.

Also, they help us to improve our mental clarity, alertness and prevent depression and lethargy & help us to enjoy the freshness and beauty of the spring season and its colors and fragrances.

The best ways to avoid daytime sleep are:

  • Wake up early, preferably before sunrise, and start your day with some exercise, massage, and meditation
  • Follow a regular and healthy routine of eating, working, resting and avoid any irregularities or distractions
  • Stay active and engaged throughout the day, and avoid any dull or boring activities or environments
  • Take a short nap in the afternoon, if you feel tired or sleepy, but limit it to 15 to 20 minutes. Do not sleep after sunset
  • Go to bed early, preferably before 10 pm, and have a good night’s sleep, and avoid any stimulants or screens before bedtime

The best ways to protect yourself from the sun are:

  • Cover your head and eyes when going out in the sun, and use an umbrella, a hat, or a scarf for this purpose
  • Wear light and loose clothing, preferably made of cotton, linen, or silk, and avoid synthetic or tight-fitting fabrics
  • Apply sunscreen, moisturizer, or aloe vera gel to your skin, and avoid any harsh or chemical products
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids, and avoid dehydration and heatstroke
  • Seek shade and coolness, and avoid direct and prolonged exposure to the sun, especially between 10 am and 4 pm

How can Ayurveda help you with your spring allergies, asthma, and other issues?

Ayurveda can help you strengthen your respiratory system and prevent asthma attacks. By using herbal remedies, such as vasa, pushkarmula, yastimadhu, and trikatu, you can widen your airways, clear the phlegm, and boost your lung capacity and immunity. You can also practice breathing exercises, such as nadi shodhana, kapalbhati, and bhramari, to enhance your oxygen intake and relax your mind.

Another effective way to strengthen your respiratory system and prevent asthma attacks is to get nasyam therapy, which is an Ayurvedic nasal treatment that involves instilling medicated oils, juices, desi ghee or powders through the nasal passages. This therapy helps to cleanse and purify the sinuses, remove excess phlegm and toxins, and balance the subtle energy channels in the head and neck region. Nasyam therapy is especially beneficial for conditions related to congestion, allergies, sinusitis, and rhinitis. It can also improve your vision, mental clarity, and mood.

Nasyam therapy is one of the five Panchakarma therapies, which are the Ayurvedic methods of detoxification and rejuvenation. It is performed under the supervision of an Ayurvedic doctor, who will determine the type, duration, and frequency of the therapy according to your individual constitution and condition. Before and after the therapy, you will have to follow a special diet and lifestyle, which will prepare your body and mind for the cleansing and healing process.


Spring is a wonderful season to enjoy the nature and the new life that it brings. But it can also pose some health risks, if we do not take care of our body and mind according to the Ayurvedic principles.

By following the Ayurvedic seasonal regimen for spring, we can balance the phlegm disorder in this season and prevent the common ailments that can affect us. We can also improve our overall health and well-being, by undergoing some cleansing therapies that will detoxify and rejuvenate our body and mind.

Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine, but a way of life that can help us live in harmony with nature and ourselves. By adopting the Ayurvedic lifestyle, we can enjoy the spring season without any worries and embrace the new vitality that it brings.

We hope you found this blog post on how to stay healthy with Ayurveda helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with us. We would love to hear from you.

See you in the next article with a new topic. Until then, Live life with Ayurveda.


  • This blog was very informative and interesting to read. Got so much to learn on how Ayurveda can help in our day to day life. I would definitely give a try on the foods recommended.

  • This is an amazing page. The outstanding information reveals the owner’s accountability. I’m in awe and eagerly await more amazing postings like this one.

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